All across the homeschool world today, we are remembering and offering tributes to Chris Klicka – a pioneer in the homeschool movement who truly poured his life into homeschool families all across the country. In fact, earlier this year, he was one of the keynote speakers at our homeschool convention here in Wichita. Little did we know that it would be one of his last. I had a chance to listen to recordings of his workshops several weeks ago [since I don’t get to attend the workshops live due to other responsibilities]. His candor, coupled with an unwavering passion for the Lord and His Word, touched many hearts, including my own. However, the inspiration that I have experienced most keenly in recent days has come from another source – Chris’ wife, Tracy.
I have never had the privilege of meeting Tracy, but a while back I found out that the Klicka’s had a website set up to update people on Chris’ condition. I began receiving notifications so that I could pray specifically for their family, especially as things took a turn for the worse. However, as I read Tracy’s posts, I found myself deeply touched and inspired to draw closer to the Lord and to my family. Her love for her family, and especially for her husband, emanates from her writing. And her sweet trust and glorying in the Lord in all things is an incredible testimony to behold.
I don’t know how long they will leave the website and updates accessible, but if you could use some inspiration and hope, or are facing dark and difficult times, I encourage you to click over to Chris Klicka’s website and read the journal entries of a godly woman who stands right beside her husband as one of the great homeschool heroes/heroines of our day!